Another long hiatus from blogging. I so needed it! My daughter and I went on an amazing trip together and now she is off at college. coincidentally, my son also left the same day to return to college and it's taken me a little bit of time to absorb the changes. Good changes, but changes nonetheless! I am THRILLED for us all but the body, soul and mind need a little time to adjust.
Now back to SOME of what I love... yoga: practicing, teaching, learning, reading, listening, watching and finally blogging about yoga...
This is another movie that I just have to see! I would hope that my classes encompass some of this magic and beauty. Yoga is for everyone but as a woman I especially identify with the teachers and students in this trailer. Teaching people, anyone, yoga has made me realize HOW much we all need it.
Woohoo, another must see!
Let me know what you think!
Namaste my friends.