What a week so far:
Canadian Thanksgiving on the same day as my beautiful, amazing daughter's 18th birthday. The weather is crisp, clear and fall-like, making my every-other-day runs invigorating and inspiring.
Yesterday took a beautiful drive up to Mt Hood and marvelled at being in the moment, appreciating all the views, the sounds, the smells of the season.
Today we watched the HS Air Guitar routines (VERY big at our town's school), realizing it is the last one we will watch with one of our kids. BTW, the seniors rocked.
Oh, and I am waking up at night, sweating. Yeah. Yippee.
SO my yoga teaching this week has been centered on change and accepting that change with grace and gratitude.
I have been thinking about that a lot...
My daughter the HS senior, just turned 18 is looking at colleges all over the US (just not near us). And my 21 yr old son, a senior at university, is back at home, taking a break from school trying to figure out where he stands in the world.
It's been a big birthday year for us: 50 for both my husband and me, in addition to the kids' big days... all of us embarking on new journeys and stages of our lives. Exciting and yet.... makes me want to grab a cuppa tea and plunk myself down into bed!
Learning to find the calm amidst all the "noise" around me is key to getting through the turbulent times. Listening to my breathing, allowing the beating of my heart to be my music.
Posted this today on another blog in response to "things to know about yoga":
"A little yoga can go a long way. Make time each and every day for your yoga practice... that can be as simple as breathing mindfully as you wake up, or wait in line or on the phone. As simple as sensing how you are feeling inside and out as you stand under the shower. As simple as a few yoga poses as you brush your teeth, make your coffee... wait for a bus. Life is yoga, yoga is life."
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