I have acknowledged my addiction to blogs... but I find that I learn so much from them that it justifies the time I spend reading. Some days I don't read any and some days I read... quite a few ;) The Pragmatic Yogi is a great one, written by a PT and Yogi. She brings a different awareness to yoga for me. Since I LOVE Standing Straddle AKA Prasarita Podattanasana and an conscious of all the ways we can injure ourselves in this pose, my antennae perked up when I saw this posting.
(Photo courtesy Pragmatic Yogi & Yoga Journal)
Read the post here:
The Pragmatic Yogi: Asana Analysis: Standing Straddle/Prasarita Podatt...: "This is a great pose that provides a number of benefits. It is a forward bend and an inversion. It stretches and strengthens the legs. It ca..."
I appreciated reading the Points of Body Awareness that Lisa writes about and I was able to feel them all when I eased myself into that pose today. Sometimes it is good for yogis and yoga teachers to hear a different voice, whether spoken of read, guide us through a pose. It especially helps me retain a mindfulness that I may otherwise lose.
And also as a yoga teacher, we need to feel comfortable giving proper modifications that support wherever a student may find themselves on a given day. There are days when practicing the modified pose is more restorative for all of us and I love knowing and showing them.
SO thanks, Lisa AKA the Pragmatic Yogi!
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