Wishing you all a wonderful, peaceful holiday season surrounded by friends and family. May the New Year 2011 bring you great joy and adventure.
Just watched this and it is more poetry in motion! It is Diane Hudock's Ahmanda Flow. Seeing that I am just home from a trip and don't feel like doing too much, today will be VISUALIZATION yoga.... ahhhh.
Happy Sunday!
Wow, just watched this video of Phillip Askew on another blog called (I love this name!) Devil Wears Prana and had to repost! SO so beautiful and INSPIRING! Watch and enjoy....
Now that I have made my Blogger page look so good, I have decided I might want to change my blog to Wordpress... It has some great features.... but so does Blogger. Stay tuned while I work this out of my system :)
Taught Vinyasa yoga at noon today and of course had to bring up "change"... any kind of change and how we react to that change. Including the change of seasons, changing times of our lives (especially with regards to kids) and really wherever change occurs. Could be as simple as changing from cow's milk to soy milk.
Sometimes that change is welcome, sometimes not. And that old adage: "the only thing we can count on is change" is just so true. Especially during the change of seasons, things can get churned up and we need to sit with those emotions. Always come back to the breath....
On that note... I am liking Blogger a little more than Wordpress. Maybe I am resisting change. Or maybe I am happy with what I have?
Stick with me; I am finding my groove....
OK, I have decided that I must be really organized and able to remote post via e-mail AND via mobile phone. SO this is an attempt at e-mail posting. Mobile up next time.
This morning’s run was great... I’m only at 3 miles, but they feel good and I know I can up my pace. The whole thing feels like mediation in motion. I listen to my tunes and feel awesome as I glide through the run. (Bollywood makes it fun to run, rock makes it... well darn fun to run!)
Made me start thinking about how mediation in motion can arise in anything we do from folding laundry (seems I do a lot of that) to driving our car to teaching a really neat yoga class or competing in a triathlon (not yet). When all of the pieces of the puzzle seem to fit effortlessly into place and we find that spot where we feel.... just right.